“Nattrikken” nominated for the Oscars!

The Norwegian film "Nattrikken" is nominated for best short film at this year's Oscars!

The Norwegian film «Nattrikken», or «Night Ride», is nominated for this year’s Oscars in the category «short film», with original score by Morten Rognskog. Rognskog has been a film composer since 2015 and has his first Oscar nomination with «Nattrikken». Night Ride was nominated to the Oscars in 2023, for best short film. This is the first time a Norwegian live action short film has been nominated.  The movie has also won multiple awards for best short film the past years. Night Ride is about Ebba, a drunk woman that involuntarily ends up as a tram driver. With the police and the actual tram drivers is following her, she has to deal with threatening and violent passengers. 

Written by
Embla Mindrum